Ear Wax Removal

Professional and safe.
In our clinic or your home.
Serving Coventry and Warwickshire areas.

Our Services

Our clinicians are professionally trained to use appropriate techniques depending on your needs and preference.


A safe and comfortable method of removing ear wax. Using magnification and a suction device we can precisely remove blockages from the ear canal.

Warm Water Irrigation

A controlled flow of warm water is gently squirted into the ear. This can flush out ear wax and even help if an object is stuck.

Manual Removal

With a steady hand and magnification, we have specialist tools to locate and safely remove stubborn blockages or foreign bodies.

Our Prices

We offer a quality service with fair and competitive pricing.
If there’s no wax to remove then we only charge a consultation fee.

In Clinic


Wax removal from 1 or 2 ears


Consultation with no wax removal

At Home


Wax removal from 1 or 2 ears


Consultation with no wax removal

As a family-owned business we genuinely care about each person we see

We understand that everyone is different, so we tailor our approach to meet your individual needs.

We take time to listen to your questions or concerns and ensure you have a positive experience with us.

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